18 July 2021
Educasia promoted the Monsoon Donation Event for our supporters and it hold on 18 July 2021. There were over 30 people who were invited to join the event including customers, partners, teachers, and alumni from all parts of Myanmar. During the event, Educasia provided a list of publications, and participates were free to request any books depending on their interests. After the event, 1903 were donated and its cost nearly 70 Lakh estimated. We will try our best to help all the communities around Myanmar and keep in touch not only with regular customers but also with our future ones.

29 Nov 2019
“Thabyay Education Foundation welcomed staff from Hluttaw Learning Centre and donated Thabyay’s Educasia books to Hluttaw Learning Center Library”

3 Jun 2019
‘Teaching skills training for teachers from Yuri Education and Training School was held in Pa-An from 26th to 30th May. We facilitated topics on ‘the role of the teacher, teaching cycle, setting a vision for 21st-century learning styles, lesson planning, teaching methods, and classroom management.’

29 May 2019
We inspire, empower and enable – Thabyay’s Educasia conducted Social Sciences Teaching Skills Training at Teacher Training Center, SJN-Church-Based Education in Kawnhka, Kutkai District, Northern Shan State. The training was from 13th to 17th, May. Nine teachers from seven schools completed the training.

2 Oct 2017
Thabyay Education, in partnership with Terre Des Hommes Italia (TDH Italia), conducted Teacher Training Refresher Course for the high schools in three different villages in Yenanchaung Township. Altogether 75 teachers participated in the training covering topics such as Teaching Method, Effective Classroom Management, and Effective Lesson Planning.

29 Aug 2017
Educasia usually had visitors who are foreigners and local people. Based on the circumstances, Educasia gave away some books as a promotion or a present.