Environment and Development

Environment Issues

environment_issues_coverThis module takes about 30 classroom hours, and focuses on local, regional and global environmental topics. It takes a problem-solving approach and examines local solutions to environmental problems. The English version is written at a pre-intermediate level. The teacher’s book contains an additional study guide for the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

Environmental Science Basics

ESB Cover final-1This module is designed to provide knowledge of essential environmental concepts and practical skills to promote healthy ecosystems. Topics range from food chains and the earth’s cycles to Myanmar’s own natural environment and the challenges facing it. The course follows an experiential approach to learning and includes hand-on and practical activities. It is written at intermediate English.

Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

Community Project Management

CPM_STUDENTThis module is designed for learners with no prior experience in community projects but can also serve as a practical guide for current community development workers. It provides an introduction to the main co\ncepts and techniques of community development. Learners will acquire the skills to successfully develop and manage community projects. It is written at an intermediate level.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

Myanmar language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

Community Profiles and Needs Assessment

final-cover-for-sbThis module looks at ways to analyze a community and determine what its needs are.

Myanmar language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book