Social Studies

social_science_spreads_2-1Social Sciences

This module offers an introduction to the study of development, politics, economics, geography and history. It is for post-secondary students and the English version is written at pre-intermediate level.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book
Myanmar language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

b-of-sa-final-cover-2Background of Southeast Asia

This module follows on from Introduction to Social Studies, with a more explicit regional focus. Students study early cultures, the influence of India and China, European expansion, colonialism and independence. It also looks at issues faced by newly independent nations. The English version is written at intermediate level.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book
Myanmar language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

gc-final-cover-2Global Conflict

This module looks at the international political situation at the beginning of the 21st century. It also gives an overview on the situation in the Middle East, the war on terror and background material on the Cold War. It requires a lot of independent reading by students and the English version is most suitable for students with good intermediate level English.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book
Myanmar language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

SoD - SB CoverSystems of Democracy

This module is a critical introduction to world political ideologies. It analyses the advantages and disadvantages of different systems in theory and practice, with case studies from around the world. It is written at an intermediate level.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

g-i-final-cover-2Gender Issues

Written by both men and women, this module provides a perspective of gender roles at work, in religion, politics, education and family, and includes a chapter on gender-based violence. Throughout the module students are encouraged to think about the roles of men and women within their own communities. The English version is written at an intermediate level.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book
Myanmar language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

hob-book-cover-1History of Burma

This module provides a chronological listing of major events from 2500 BC to the present as well as development/changes and personalities who helped shape the country.  The English version is written at an intermediate level. It looks at the history of Burma from a Multi-ethnic Perspective and the English version is written at an intermediate level.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

basic_economics_cover-2Basic Economics

This module is designed to equip learners with basic economic literacy. It covers introductory economic theory as well as more complex themes such as economic systems and globalization. It places a strong emphasis on analytical thinking, asking learners to apply new knowledge to their own situations and communities. The English version is written at an intermediate level.

English language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book
Myanmar language: Student’s Book | Teacher’s Book

political-thoughts-cover-2Political Thoughts and Practices – A reader in critical thinking

This reader includes a collection of essays and articles that touch on a range of issues from climate change and human rights to federalism in Myanmar. The readings and the activities equip learners with critical thinking skills to predict the consequences of specific political trends, apply various political theories in the context of Myanmar. This book is written at an upper-intermediate level of English.

Political Thoughts and Practices